Profile profile

uka Kawano the designer of "Üka" was born and raised in Tokyo. Her parents were involved in an apparel brand which was popular in the 80s. She grew up with fashion from her early childhood. While she was in college, she worked as a salesperson at the multi-brand retail store of the major apparel manufacture. Since she was inspired by fine craftsmanship of products from around the world, she turned from sales to designer. After graduated from the fashion school, she spent her career at the design company and was involved in planing and des igning products.After she left the design company, she started planning and designing with her OEM partners for clothing and home products, and also producing bridal and baby products by hand-work from planning to sales as a freelance. In 2010, Yuka Kawano started "Üka" ; her couture hand -work brand .

デザイナー 川野 由佳 東京都出身
大学在学中から、大手アパレルメーカーのセレクトショップにて 販売を経験。世界中から集められる魅力的な物創りの数々に触れ、 販売する側から物を産み出す方向へ転身。
フリーでウエア・雑貨のOEM企画デザイン、ハンドワークによるブライダル雑貨・ ベビー商品の企画販売を手掛ける。

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